Friday 5 March 2010


Kram Toille was tired.

He had arisen early that morning to go fishing and had travelled a long way for that enjoyable experience.The modern car made the journey relatively simple, although the traffic was at times frustrating.

Returning in the evening, and on reaching his comfy suburban home, he had quickly bathed and after checking his E Mails, watching television with his partner and eating his dinner, had fallen asleep in the armchair.

He awoke with a start at approximately 4.30 in the morning, the room was dark and strangely unfamiliar. A strange mouldy smell enveloped his nostrils and he strained to view the dark room ahead of him. Both hands pushed down on the arms of the chair so as to propel his body on to his tired legs.

Immediately he noticed that the arms of the chair were unusually cold and hard, rather than the expected cushioned warmth of the modern upholstering.

Startled, he ran his hands back across the arms only to be shocked that they were fashioned from cold, hard wood!.

His eyes started to adjust to the lack of light and he was drawn towards a flickering image to the end of the room.

Unsure if he was dreaming, he stumbled towards the flickering light source and quickly noticed that it was the remains of a candle that had just about extinguished its supply of wax, and was about to go out.

Kram Toille frantically searched for the rooms walls and electric light switch, so that he could reveal the contents of the room. However this was to no avail, and after stumbling about the walls he reached a course curtain that covered a small window opening in the wall.

He pulled the curtain aside to reveal a truly unbelievable vista. In the far distance the sun was starting to rise against horizon of gently rolling hill covered in deciduous forest. He closed his eyes and blinked.

What was going on !!!!


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